Friday, March 18, 2011

Would you like some Beignets while you read my Vignettes?

1) Davenport, Lord of the Pen-saber
2)Eva and Fantasia
3)Train Tracks
Davenport, Lord of the Pen-saber
      Click! Tap! Click click! Our pens rammed against each other in a fierce battle, the writing utensils making the noise of plastic hitting plastic. Swish, twirl, poke. I had won, finally poking him in the hand with my pen. He stared at my dull blue pen in amazement.
    "You actually beat me! I have taught you well." We smiled and went into another fierce battle. Tap! Click click! He yelled an ahah of triumph as he poked me in the wrist.
    "Davenport! Orsack! Will you please be quiet while I'm trying to take attendance?" the teacher snarled at us, rolling her eyes. He and I giggled and then sat straight, while we hid our mock light saber battles underneath the desks.
Eva and Fantasia
     "So, you're saying that the green lady in Fantasia is your grandmother?"
     "Yes, of course!"
    "Whoa..." I stared at her in amazement, as if I was in the presence of royalty. "She's so pretty!" I mused.
    "Well, she's pretty, but she's really evil."
    "But wasn't she the one saving the forest after the fire bird burned it down?"
    "The fire bird is her pet. She meant for that to happen."
    "But... why would she do that?" We climbed like monkeys over the playground, as I hung upside down from one of the metal bars and she sat on top of the other.
    "I told you... she's evil! Nobody likes her besides that moose." I stared at her in disbelief from my position on the metal bars. "If you don't believe me, we can ask my mom."
    "No, no, it's fine. It just doesn't make sense to me... how could someone so pretty be evil?"
    "I dunno. C'mon, lets race across the field." I swung my feet down from the bars so that they hit the ground, then let go and twisted myself upright. Eva already had a head start, but I caught up to her. At that height I was so fast I could outrun a fifth grader, and trust me, I had tried it. We fell down in the clover flowers on the other side of the field, and I barely missed landing on a bee. I sat up and stared bewildered at the boy trying to catch the little buzzing creatures in a small container.
    "What's it like having her as a grandmother?"
    "She doesn't visit much. But I don't like her anyways."
    "Right... cause she's evil."
    "Yup." We just laid down and watched the white puffy clouds.
Train Tracks
    “Eva is taking the bus with me today!” I told my red-haired buddy. The boy who stood at the bus stop with me every day and rode the bus with me too beamed. He was from Germany, and lived down the street. Even though he was two years older than me, he in fifth grade and I in third, we had made fast friends. We were waiting in the lines for the buses that went home, with Eva right behind me.
    “Is she playing with you after school?”
    “Mhmm! It’s the first time she’s been to my house. You can come over as well if you like.”
    “No, I have other things to do.”
    “Oh okay.”
Once we got to my house, we set our backpacks down in our room, and then ran out back to the train tracks. Eva and I made our way down the them, bouncing along like lanterns in the dark. Eva on the left while I on the left, we sung songs made of random gibberish because we thought it sounded like a foreign language. We pretended we were medieval princesses in a far off land, and told stories about dragons, wizards and things of that nature. Every once in a while we would see a train coming, and we would run to the edge of the train yard that was closest to my house. The train would roar past with a violent honking and much stirring of the air, and we would gallop back to out places and continue the story. The train tracks eventually led to my house, and we ran up the front steps back into my room. We rushed around my room and continued our story about us being medieval princesses. I pulled dresses from my closet and we put them on, even though they were a little big on Eva. We found plastic Mardi-Gras coins and used them as currency of our made up land.

    “Here, we want to show you something!” the shorter one said.
    “What is it?”
    “Come with us!” the taller one said.
    “O-okay.” I followed behind the two brothers as we trudged up to the main action. Smells of broiled craw fish drifted through the air. Everyone around the boiling pot looked up at us.
    “Can we show her the place while the craw fish are cooking?” the taller boy asked, looking expectantly at his parents and mine.
    “Sure. Just don’t go out of our view.” The three of us ran inside and got some toy guns, one of them filled with water. We ran over to a wire fence and walked around to where some mottled brown chickens were.
    “Here are the chickens... there’s a goose around here somewhere, but I think he’s hiding.” the shorter boy announced, looking quite proud. He had a reason to be, for they were very nice looking chickens. We walked across a field full of flowers and prickly plants that stick burrs to your pants that you can’t get off. We approached a large clump of trees, obviously too dense to go into. The highway was just a little bit ahead of the trees, and the area was covered with little pink flags.
    “We’ve been tracking a monster around here...” the taller boy said
    “A... monster?” I squeaked
    “Yea, a monster. It’s got big pointy teeth, and it’s taller than my dad.” the shorter boy said with a smirk.
    “It’s got these great big horns that come off it’s head, and it’s got goat legs.” the taller boy added.
    “Whoa... is it around here?” I asked, surprised. The boys nodded.
    “We’ve been trying to hunt it and kill it. It’s very violent, though, y’know? It killed a couple in the next town over.” the shorter boy said. I looked nervously back at the house.
    “You know, we’re kind of almost out of sight from there... we should head ba-” I said nervously, getting cut off,
    “Wait! What happened to the flag over there...? The monster must of taken it!” the taller boy said, and at that we went tearing back across the field full of flowers and sticker-burrs. Once we got back to the house, panting,we collapsed on the ground in the front and were relieved just to be out of danger.

1 comment:

  1. More comments soon, but in the meantime I tried to score you a bit of traffic on this one:

    You humor and wit comes right on through in these vignettes. I notice your proclivity for dialogue. It works!
