Friday, September 17, 2010

Astro Turf???

   We have an Astro Turf field for P.E. There is an ongoing debate within my mind, is Astro Turf good or bad? I think its quite the awful substance.
   For one its bad for the environment. The turf itself has heavy metals and dangerous chemicals that players are exposed to, and can also leak into water supplies, (does the water fountain next to the field ring a bell?) The production of this plastic "grass" uses fossil fuels and other limited substances. Replacing grass with Astro Turf also creates a greenhouse affect, because plastic doesn't use photosynthesis, which leaves more carbon dioxide in the air.
   Then there is also the problem of health more health risks on Astro Turf. There's a higher chance of head and bone injuries on Astro Turf, because it doesn't have as much cushion as normal grass. People also have a lot more soreness than they do on regular grass. The turf also causes much more abrasions and burns because it it much rougher. The turf also has to be disinfected regularly, because pathogens do not break down naturally like they do on grass. Also, theres much more dehydration happening on the field because the turf gets much, much hotter than grass. It's normal for it to be 20+ degrees than the air temperature. Remember the days when it was 90 degrees? Yeah, exactly.
   Also, just think of how ANNOYING Astro Turf is. The fake "grass" comes up everywhere. It also gets everywhere, earlier today I noticed a piece of it in my mouth. Refer to the "pathogens" I talked about in the previous paragraph. You have to empty your shoes every few minutes, and when you play in your socks, or even just sit down, theres a coating of fake grass on you.
   Yeah, overall Astro Turf is just bad, bad, bad. But this is just my view, I'd like to hear what you guys have to say.

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