Friday, September 24, 2010

Yet Another Response Post

I was looking around for a post to respond to, and found one that interested me on Tram Huynh's blog
I heard somewhere that déjà vu is fate's way of telling you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. That is why you feel like you have already been there before. You are right in line with your own destiny.
I was reading this and I went "hmm, that's not what I was told déjà vu is like." What I've known it as for all my life is that feeling that you've done something before, or been in an exact same situation. It's all too familiar. explanation, because it could just be your brain telling you "hmm, i think I've seen this before, this will be easy to process." Tram's explanation requires a little more than just brain function. I get déjà vu at least once a day, and it makes me stop and go whoa. I don't know why I get déjà vu so much, it seems like something other people don't get often. This subject totally boggles me, but I seem to know exactly when it is happening. To me déjà vu feels like a warm sensation flowing through my body for a second or two, but sometimes it's longer. I'd seriously like to look into this more, because now that I know somebody else looks at it differently, I'm beginning to question my own version of it.

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