Friday, November 12, 2010


So... I really can't find anything to respond to... so I'm responding to thin air!

I so totally agree with this post it's scary.  I'm speechless. It's a perfect commentary on life, and also reminded me of Cristian's work of art that he showed to me in his sketchbook. Have him show it to you later. It's so awesome.

Okay, you caught me, here's the REAL response post. Sheesh... can't take a joke?

It is from Cristian's blog so be warned, because this dude is brilliant.
All i can say is wow. There is a lot of crazy things that happen to Amir, and his wife, and Hassan. I truly believe that the main theme of this book has something to deal within the realm of love. There are so much things that represent love. Validation and love have a border that is either very blurry or very defined. In this book The Kite Runner, Amir tells a story of his life and the encounters of love he has.
 So, I do kinda agree with his point that it's been a lot about love, but not completely. I think love is an underlying note in this story, and not the main focus. Since Cristian wrote about love in the book, I'm going to keep this post mostly about this though. Love has to be in every book right? It's not got that same spice, that same zest about reading it. "I went to the grocery store and saw a woman holding pineapples" does not have the same appeal as "I went to the grocery store and saw a beautiful woman holding pineapples. As soon as I saw her my jaw dropped; I had found the girl I wanted to be with for the rest of my life." now does it? It of course is a key element of a novel. It's like glue when your shoe falls apart cause you've stepped in.. well, never mind that. So... yea.

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