Monday, November 15, 2010

The third and final part of 'the Kite Runner'

Well, we've finished 'The Kite Runner' and here's what I got.
I am actually a little disappointed by the ending of this book. It got too... legal, and then there was an attempt to give it some emotion. It just didn't quite work for me. The events seemed rushed. The characters ended up being not-so believable. and now I feel like a picky and over-analytical reader. Poop.
So... Assef got justice. Sort of. One-eyed Assef. Lucky thing that Sohrab was just as good as Hassan with a slingshot? Coincidence? Cliche? Well, I think it was a bit cheesy.
(side note: the suspicions that the Taliban were still following them never really got addressed right?
 "Sometimes people just wandered into the room, like the tall, bearded man who walked in jut before Farid and Sohrab arrived. He wore a brown blanket wrapped around him. Aisha asked him something in Urdu. He paid her no attention and scanned the room with his eyes. I thought he looked at me a little longer than necessary. When the nurse spoke to him again, he just spun around and left." pg.300
"'I don't think you'll be safe here for long,' Farid said. He lowered his voice. 'The Taliban have freinds here. They will start looking for you.'
'I think they already may have,' I murmured. I thought suddenly of the bearded man who'd wandered into the room and just stood there staring at me." pg. 304
That's all that's mentioned of him. Would have made for a good story piece. Lose ends that the author never cleared up, I suppose? Hmm...)

Well yea...

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