Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo...

We've been doing literature circles in class and my group is doing 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.' I don't like it. It's written really... weird. The author has waited more than 100 pages in to set up the main conflict of the book. The first 50 is all business talk. Needless to say, it's kind of boring. If I offend anyone who likes the book, I'm sorry, but this is kind of going to be a rant. It's odd how in the media that's surrounding this book, they portray Lisbeth Salander as the main character of the book. When reading the book, it's Blomkvist who is the main character. At each 'part' of the book it gives a statistic about violence, which confuses me. What part does that play with the book? At each part the statistic seems to be getting worse too. I looked it up on Wikipedia, and the original title of the book (in Sweden) was "Män som hatar kvinnor" which is "Men Who Hate Women." The original title seems like it would fit the book more and not disillusion people as to who the main character is. Maybe publishers thought that it would be better as it is now...

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