Friday, January 14, 2011

A story from the head of a very sleepy teenager with many other things that need to get done. This is probably just part one. Probably.

   Phoebe awoke with a jolt and the ringing of an alarm clock. That alarm clock had been going off for nearly half an hour, and she turned her head and merely glanced at her cat, who was glaring intensely at her. The cat flicked it's tabby-orange tail impatiently, with eyes that seemed to say 'I've been waiting since five this morning for you to wake up, give me attention. Now.' 
   Although it was a Saturday, which of course meant that Phoebe didn't have school, she had to lumber out of bed anyway. She was meeting her friend, Sarah, to hang out, and since Sarah was an extremely early riser and had been waiting just as long as the cat for Phoebe's attention. Even though it was nearly 11. 
   Phoebe and Sarah were complete opposites but still somehow managed to be best friends. Phoebe liked nature. Sarah couldn't live without the newest technology. Phoebe was 5' 2" and Sarah 5' 8". Phoebe wore ripped jeans and Sarah wore short skirts. They made a very strange pair, but somehow seemed to click.
   Phoebe stumbled into the bathroom, nearly banging into the door as she did. The cat followed her to the bathroom and stopped in the doorway, neither fully in nor out of the bathroom. The cat likened her to the living dead, conscious but just barely.

                                                            ~to be continued. I'm tired. leave me alone~

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