Friday, January 21, 2011


   There as been much buzz lately about Wikileaks a nonprofit that exposes news and documents otherwise not shown to the public. Some say it's a great thing, some say that it's bad, a threat to national security. I say it's a benefit to our society.
   Wikileaks is an advantage for the people of the U.S. because it keeps the government honest and in check. You don't want a government lying to you right? If the government does something and doesn't tell it's people what's going on, you can imagine how peeved off people would be when they found out. Especially if it's not the actual government that tells them. 
   One of the arguments against what Wikileaks is doing is that it could be considered treasonous and a threat to national security. It is not considered treasonous because technically the Wikileaks team doesn't even operate in the United States. That's right, they don't live here! It is also not a threat to our national security because 1) there isn't actually any strategies of upcoming battles that the military uses churned into the cyberspace, and 2) if terrorists were going to attack America using information that Wikileaks releases, wouldn't they have done so already?
   Wikileaks is good for society, as both a source of news and a check for the government.

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful!!! It seems you claim that wiki leaks acts like superman and will prevent the government from committing criminal acts!! However, there is no support that says the government started becoming restrained in their criminal acts. Your piece is strong, but to make it impeccable, you need to support your claims!
