Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vignette Review

   In this post, I'll be talking about Meriam, Susan, and Mercedes' vignette projects. Each puts a Unique spin on the project that I really liked. 
   In Meriam's post, she creates a whole new world. The reason why others didn't do this is that Mr.Sutherland strongly discouraged it, and to follow the "write what you know" rule. Oh course, Meriam went ahead and did it anyway. And it worked. I'll be honest, there were parts in the vignettes that made me cry. The thing that made her story about Clover a wonderful piece of writing is how much raw emotion and gritty detail she puts into it. In one part she says:
" Her eyes pierced my heart with a thousand arrows. Why would she smile at me if she didn’t like me? I looked at the nurse bewildered. I expected her to say, oh wrong car."
This ends up setting up the whole story, as the foster parent, Matilda, (or as Clover calls her "Witch")  and her husband ("Troll") are the antagonists in the story. 
   Mercedes' vignettes are written in an interesting style. Some of them seem to be vignettes inside of vignettes,  especially the vignette called "Then." The differences inside of the vignettes are spacial, in part she's in Santa Cruz, whereas in other sections she's in Alameda. Her writing has a lot of symbolism for dreams and sleep, which seem like they show up whenever she's scared and needs to cope with anything.
   Susan's writing for the vignette project involved a lot of symbolism. One of the most  prevalent symbols is Bees, which as she stated herself, were a symbol of fear. I think however, that it's not just fear that the bees symbolize, but getting over fear, and not letting it block your path. 
"The bee ignored my presence, fluttering from one tiny flower to the next. I sat forward to see it better, and it was then that I saw just how fuzzy the bee was.
    It was adorable, this furry little thing."
 Earlier on in the vignette it said just how terrified of bees she was. But when you get in for a closer look, you see there's really nothing to be scared about.

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