Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Equal Rites" review draft

  Note: this post is a rough draft for class, so in no way, shape, or form is this post finished, completed, accomplished, perfect, ready, done, or over-the-hill.

I am writing about number 8: Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters.

     Lately I have been reading a book by Terry Pratchett (my favorite author!) called "Equal Rites." It is a Fiction novel, and the book is about the adventures of Eskarina Smith, (whose name is referred to as Esk for most of the book,) a girl who has mistakenly inherited a late wizard's power. The problem with her getting these wizard powers is that, well... she's a girl. In the world of Discworld, there are NO wizards who are women. Just as there are no men who are witches. Discworld, if you didn’t already know, is a flat, disc-shaped world on the backs of four elephants who are in turn on top of the great, huge, MASSIVE sea turtle A’tuin, forever swimming through space and orbited by one moon and one sun.  In this post I am going to be talking about the relationship between Granny Weatherwax and Esk, as well as going into detail about the two of them (separately.)
    So, first we shall start off with Esmeralda ‘Granny’ Weatherwax. Granny is a recurring character in Pratchett’s books. Granny Weatherwax is a respected and dignified witch from the Kingdom of Lancre. She lives in and tends to the village of “Bad Ass” (I am not kidding, that IS the name of the village) She is not your ordinary witch. Granny prefers to get by using herbs and “Headology” more than actual spells. Headology is sort of like Psychology, only with more guile, deceit, and messing with people’s heads. By no means, however, is she a bad person. Quite the opposite, actually, she just uses her Headology so that people will actually listen to what she tells them to do. Granny will never, ever admit to being wrong, but people don’t really argue that much about it with her. I expect they’re all too frightened to.

    Secondly, I will talk (and you will read) about Eskarina Smith. Esk is about eight years old, and as previously said, has inherited the powers of the late Drum Billet, a wizard, as well as his staff. The staff is interesting enough in itself, as it seems to have a consciousness of it’s own. The staff protects Esk in her travels. Esk was born in the village of Bad Ass, and Granny Weatherwax was actually her midwife. Esk is adventurous, curious and stubborn.

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